The project “Water adventure games for families” is focused on the idea of educating, organizing and conducting adventure family water sports in the three countries. The project is aimed at improving health and physical activity through the use of sports and activities that are practiced in water. The project also aims to attract those who are at risk of social and economic isolation – disadvantaged families. The project envisages cooperative work between various interested parties in the creation and promotion of opportunities for long-term sustainable development in the field of sports and physical activity, practiced in the vicinity of the water.
The main objective of the project is to promote participation in sports and physical activity, through cross-border cooperation and promotion of voluntary activities in sports, more specifically for the development of family sports and providing the opportunity to be included in interesting and attractive sports activities, namely adventure competitions of water.
The specific objectives of the project are:
• Promoting the participation of families in sports activities aimed at social inclusion, equal opportunities and awareness of the importance of health-enhancing physical activity, through increased participation and equal access to sports for all;
• To encourage voluntary activity in sports in Bulgaria, Romania and Serbia;
• Developing networks of organizations and building capacity to work at the European level, through the exchange of good practices and methods related to sports;
• Increasing the variety of opportunities for physical activity by conducting adventure water games for families;
With the implementation of the activities, the following results will be achieved:
• Held a training seminar for preparing and building models for adventure games;
• Creating models of water adventure games;
• Building teams of volunteers – coaches, judges, lifeguards and volunteers for the organization and normal and safe conduct of adventure water games for families;
• Trained 12 coaches and judges;
• Trained 30 participants in water adventure games – lifeguards and volunteers;
• Established internet platform;
• Held three two-day adventure water games for families in each of the three countries;
• Held conference on water sports;
• Building local clubs for family sports;
At the same time, the project wants to promote and encourage well-being and social inclusion through sport, as it has at its core a concept and sport practice not as a necessary professional activity, but as something that is aimed at everyone: good physical condition, socialization, intercultural dialogue and intergenerational dialogue.
The direct target groups of the project include:
• Families with children without age limit;
• Professionals and volunteers in the field of sports;
The following activities will be carried out within the project:
- Conducting a training workshop for preparing and building models for adventure games
- Training seminars for building teams of volunteers
- Creation of an Internet platform
- Conduct two-day adventure water games for families
- Holding a conference on water sports
- Establishing a water sports partnership
The strengths and experience of each partner will be used appropriately to achieve all the objectives set. At the end of the project, after all the products are ready, each organization will be tasked with translating the models for running water adventure games for families into their language. All partners will be responsible for dissemination activities as they will disseminate the results at a wider European level.
All interested European organizations and sports clubs from Bulgaria, Romania and Serbia (outside the partner organizations of the project) will have free access to the intellectual products created through the implementation of the project.
The main associated partners to whom the project is directed are: non-governmental organizations and water sports clubs from Bulgaria, Romania and Serbia. By including a wide range of associated partnerships, there will be an opportunity to develop and strengthen networks, to increase the capacity of participating organizations to work at a transnational level, to share and challenge ideas, practices and methods.